11 diciembre 2015

¡Nuevo video y nuevo artículo! / New video and new article!

¡Hola gente!
Hi people!
Ha sido UNA VIDA en la que no les escribo, pero se trata de buenos, MUY BUENOS motivos. Resulta, acontece, sucede y pasa QUE TERMINÉ LA CARRERA :D Me trataron de chupar el alma entre el proyecto final y las demás materias, ¡pero no pudieron conmigo!
It's been A LIFETIME since the last time I wrote to you, but it's because good, VERY GOOD reasons. It turns out and happens that I FINISHED MY CAREER :D They tried to suck my soul between the final project and other subjects, but they couldn't!
Para cerrar una de las materias, tuve que grabar un video para Youtube, y se pueden imaginar que está en mi canal de manera pública. Se trata de un pequeño análisis a la película Victor Frankenstein, y aunque sufrí haciéndolo, quise probar cosas nuevas. ¡Espero sus opiniones!
To close one of the subjects I had to record a Youtube video, and as you can imagine, it's on my channel publicly. It's a small analysis of the Victor Frankenstein movie, and although I suffered ding the video, I wanted to try new things. I wait for your opinines!
Si quieren saber más de la película, pueden pasar y leer mi artículo en Making Of E-zine :D
If you want to know more about it, you can come and read my article in Making Of E-zine :D

¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

08 noviembre 2015

Trolleado por Rafflecopter... / Trolled by Raflecopter...

Hola chicos...
Hi guys...
Quisiera que esta entrada fuera diferente, pero no es el caso.
I'd like this entry to be different, but it's not the case.
Todos sabemos que había un concurso aquí en el blog sorteando varios libros míos, y se supone que ya terminó. Voy chequeando la entrada para ver a los ganadores (Estoy escribiendo esto el sábado) y no me deja ver. Voy a Rafflecopter, esperando que allí sí pueda verlos, pero ahora me dice que mi cuenta NO EXISTE. Que divertido, ¿no?
We all know that we had a contest here in the blog dodging several books of mine, and it's assumed that it's over. I'm checking the entry to see the winners (I'm writing this on Saturday) and it doesn't let me see. I go to Rafflecopter's web, hoping that there I can see them, but it now tells me that my account DOES NOT EXISTS. Very funny, huh?

Soy una persona a la que le gustan las cosas como son, así que luego de insultar mentalmente con todas mis fuerzas la página de Rafflecopter, decidí hacer algo, ya que quiero darles un premio.

I'm a person who like things as they are, so after mentally insult the Rafflecopter page with all my strength, I decided to do something, since I want to give you guys a prize.
Todos los que participaron envíenme un correo, si es posible, adjunten una prueba de que participaron (no es difícil, puse varias opciones para publicar en Facebook, Twitter, etc, pero confío en la palabra de mis lectores de todas formas). Les haré llegar ediciones de los libros que se sorteaban, es decir: La Hija de Bóreas, Tinta Nocturna, y Fuego en las Manos.

All of you who participated send me an email, if possible, attach an evidence to know so (it's not hard, I put several options to post on Facebook, Twitter, etc, but I trust the word of my readers anyway). I'll let you get editions of the raffled books, which are: La Hija de Bóreas, Tinta Nocturna and Fuego en las Manos.
Adicional a esto, para recompensarlos por no poder apegarme al concurso como tal, todos los que me escriban a lo largo del día podrán leer las primeras páginas de una historia de la que no he dicho nada, muy distinta a todo lo que he escrito hasta ahora. ¡Espero pueda compensar este fallo!

In addition to this, to reward you for not being able to attached me to the competition as such, those who write me throughout the day can read the first pages of a story that I didn't say anything about, very different to what I've written so far. I hope this can compensate the bug!
Nuevamente, perdonen el fallo, voy a buscar alguna manera de evitar que vuelva a pasar, así nos ahorramos malos ratos.

Again, sorry for the bug, I'll find a way to prevent it passing again, so we avoid bad times.
¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

04 noviembre 2015

Angels, witches and Matías Zitterkopf.

Para leer el artículo en español, clic aquí.

The market is currently saturated with paranormal romantic readings of YA books with impossible, outrageous and against any rules, either human or superhuman romances.
As always, fashions make certain features. In the case of paranormal romance literature, the standard are dark, dangerous loves, where the lives of the characters are in constant danger. Matías Zitterkopf  broke the mold.
This argentine writer with two stories already in the public, several texts and tales on his Wattpad, has achieved something new: To create a different story to which readers are accustomed. ne of the is Mientras mi cielo se derrumba, and the other is Corazones Oscuros.
The first is the love story between Amelie and Bastian, her guardian angel. The rapprochement between the two occurs suddenly, like those surprises that occur in daily life, and slowly, over days, as Amy changes her hermit attitude, love begins to emerge between them.
Matías let a relationship take shape in short time, it becomes solid, and while based primarily on Amy's physical attraction to her angel, when the secrets fall and both become closer, this seems more real, more tangible and credible.
The turn of events that occurs in the life of our protagonist leaves the reader misplaced, wondering when things changed so much their direction, when was that Amy's life changed so abruptly, exactly as if it happened in real life.
Despite not having been there, Matías accomplished perfectly to describe the confusion, sadness, misery feelings felt in those moments, the desire to find forces that are not there and the final uprising, when the need for succeed's the only way to fight sorrow.
Bastian is a character who, at first, seems weak, forced, poorly constructed. However, there's is a phrase he tells  his protected at a point that amendment and fully explains why this.
The feelings he come to have for Amy are sincere, very credible, making the reader feel the same as him. His fears, his hopes, thoughts, everything is transmitted through the author's hand.
Near the end, when the dark element enters, almost completely inactive throughout the novel, it demonstrates, again, that the surprising twists are one of the author's strengths. It makes you believe that things will take a course, convince you, and when you are sure it will be that way, everything changes.
While the end of the book feels something rash, it leads to a very promising sequel and, if we let imagination fly, with a good dose of action and drama, which is soon to be published.
A less radiant story is Corazones Oscurs, which tells the love between two young witch guys, Ari and Noah, each one with different problems, with families far away from the stereotype that give children's shows.
Ari was raised by his grandmother since he can remember, not really knowing what had happened between his parents, but has strong suspicions about it. Noah lives with their own, but their relationship could not be worse.
When Ari's Grandma gives a ball at home, their lives collide unexpectedly. A somewhat uneven approach is the perfect excuse to start a story written with both guys as protagonists, in which page by page starts getting close until neither of them can deny the attraction they feel for each other.
Despite its dark in several scenes, it's a very tender, emotional story, where loneliness is felt in both boys, both young but mature enough for the lifestyle they had to carry from birth.
The story takes place in a totally fictional town where magic's something normal, common and banal. Both Ari and Noah have ability to cast spells, to conjure and studying to improve day after day. While this could result in comparison with some famous saga, I must say that both worlds are totally different.
The secrets revealed in each family go over the chapters, both from the point of view of the protagonists and through glimpses of the past that the author's leaving along the story. Each character takes shape, leaving the reader intrigued, wanting to know more as you keep on reading.
The fast pace, the precise short descriptions, so sentimental dialogues and phrases that touch the heart more than once, make this an extremely fast, easy finish reading, taking one or two days to complete it.
Currently, Corazones Oscuros is being rewritten by the author, who is correcting, adding scenes, expanding the story and taking better care some details that web-readers have left him as they advanced in their reading, a wise decision since it's a story that has had as good acceptance with the public.
When stories are known, there's nothing more than to know the author of these, so I leave below the interview I did to its creator, Matías Zitterkopf, speaking of his two books.

1. Why do you write? How come the ideas that you use in your stories?
Apart from reading, I write because I can go elsewhere and leave behind the routine that ofter tires and makes life becomes monotonous. I never stop writing. They arrive without asking. Usually they occur strongly, giving me glimpses and scenes and then I think the plot that can contain them.

2. Your first story was Ángeles y Mariposas, now under the name Mientras mi Cielo se Derrumba. How did the idea for the book and the trilogy? What made you choose the name of Heaven forbidden for the series?
I always say without any shame that comes after finishing reading the Twilight saga, years ago already. But I didn't want vampires or wolves and angels have always intrigued me and I never thought I had ideas for three books. The name of that trilogy was intended by the publisher of Chile publishing me in a moment.

3. What made you change the name of the book?
It also has to do with the previous editor. If we wanted a new version we needed a new name and we thought that one, they sounded very poetic the three titles so with that I stayed.

4. Was there any specific reason to choose angels as paranormal element in the novel?
Only my interest and the fact that the relationship between a guardian angel and his protected is forbidden and it's good to see how they manage to carry out what they feel and see what God's doing about that.

5. The first editions came with Tríada Ediciones, now comes with Hesíodo, why the change of publisher?
I correct. Ángeles y Mariposas was a Hispanic entrepreneurship in Canada. Then came Tríada. The change is because my mind always loved flying and dreams push you to want bigger things. Tríada is a new, small publishing house and never got through to my own country, Argentina. Also in danger, I felt it had no interest in publishing the second part of the trilogy. I think they wanted it out by Amazon. Self-publishing with Hesíodo I do the same they offered me and don't have high percentages of profits relegate anyone. Money does not interest me now, I want to fulfill my dream but when you have to put things in balance, these decisions are made.

6. Now it's already published, would you change something in the novel, some small detail or a larger change?
No. That book underwent many changes. Now it comes out the second part and work in the already strated last one.

7. A little persnal question, do you believe in angels?
Yes. When I left my small town to city I asked someone, perhaps my angel to look after me in the new place. It is today that I feel accompanied and nothing bad has happened.

8. Do you have any expectations for the continuation of this story?
Many. I think it's a highly anticipated part by my readers who follow me since 2011, first, those who read Ángeles y Mariposas. And I know it will go much better than the first one was already known. And I hope they like it, I considered some constructive criticism when I wrote it.

9. Turning to your next story, Corazones Oscuros, did you feel the same writing about a gay couple to a heterosexual couple?
I think so. I just tried to do something respectful, loving relationship between people regardless of gender and the answers I get in comments Wattpad think I managed to convey that message. Sometimes the writers wrote about things that don't feel or experience and I think that's really where we have a challenge. He was also a change to always write something traditional.

10. Lately there have been several books of fantasy and paranormal romance that include the element of paganism to give a twist in the story, can you say that there's paganism in the story or fiction that came spontaneously?
I think it came spontaneously. Magic is something that has always struck me. While there are things about magic in general, I think I invented most things.

11. How did you come up the history of both witches? Was it something that came up suddenly?
I had been reading a book called Blood Magic and it blew my head with the blood magic subject. But the trigger was another. For some reason it came to my mind a girl repeating "con tres gotas de mi sangre, te ato para siempre…" as the book begins. From there I couldn't stop.

12. You said you are correcting history, expanding and adding more scenes, is there re-launch date or do we have to wait for this new edition?
We have to wait because I'm offering it to publishers. If I don't reach a possitive response, I'll selfpublish it but it would be next year.

13. Until now, you have sent it to several publishers, how has been the process? Have they said something about the story?
Not yet. I recently contacted a few and today sent the others were receiving open manuscripts. It takes 3 to 6 months to respond.

14. Turning to a personal question, have you done any of Ari and Noah's spells or something similar? Would you consider yourself believer in magic?
I haven't done them but if I found myself repeating their incantations and waving hands in the leading imposition or clicking haha. I believe in the magic of thoughts desires. I don't think lighting a candle results but when you think you do and the desire to put it.

15. If you had to choose one as your favorite, what would it be and why?
There is a new one that I wrote that deals with Ari and his mother. It's sad but if you think is the cutest. He asks for protection to his mother not tell you more abut for not giving spoilers. And surely some of those who do Gloriana are the coolest.

16. Do you think the two stories you have changed or you feel like before writing?
Yes. With both I learned a lot and help you to improve in the following books. It has made me happy and made me spend great months while writing.

17. Can you say something of you is in these characters or vice versa?
I don't think so. Small personality traits perhaps but I always say that my life is not as interesting as the characters'.

18. Are there any projects you have in mind that you can tell us?
Finish writing the trilogy and think later a sequel to Crazones Oscuros. But the story has to convince a lot.

19. What advice would you give those who want to become a writer?
You have to read a lot and write a lot. And if the aim is to reach a publisher, never discourage. If this is really what you like, you'll still be writing and just for you.

20. Thanks for your time! I hope soon to hear again about Amy, Bastian, Ari and Noah!
Thank you for considering me and give me a space to show what I do. I hope so.

¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

02 noviembre 2015

Fall into Bliss!

Bliss has a new look and to celebrate we are having a huge sale plus an amazing week full of Blissful events. Join us and fill your e-reader with these fun and flirty romances for just $.99 each!


Join us for a fun line up of events where you can chat with Bliss authors and other readers, kick back with an #EPMovieNight and more.  See the list of events below here:

11/2 to 11/6 - Join Bliss authors for tips on avoiding the Black Friday madness, holiday recipes and more over at Entangled in Romance.

11/2 to 11/6 - Bliss author Facebook page takeover. Each day a different Bliss author will be taking over the Bliss Books Fan page. Ask those questions you’ve been dying to ask an author, chat with the group and get peeks inside to find your next fun and flirty romantic read.

Tuesday, 11/3 at 8pm ET - Kick back, relax, and join Entangled for an #EPMovieNight. Follow @entangledpub and the #EPMovieNight hashtag and chat with us as we watch The Wedding Singer together. It’s available for streaming on Netflix. We will also be giving away several prizes throughout the movie to lucky chat participants!

Thursday, 11/5 from 8pm to 10pm ET - Fall into Bliss Facebook party. Join Bliss authors, readers and the Bliss team for a night of fun, treats and giveaways.

We hope you can join us for one or more of the events!

¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

29 octubre 2015

31, por Alan D.D. y Kassfinol

¡Gente! ¡Lectores! ¡Piedras! (?)
People! Readers! Stones! (?)
¡Ya está acá el proyecto entre Kassfinol y yo! Ambos libros son de microrelatos, terror los de Kass y paranormales los míos, ADEMÁS DE QUE ESTÁN GRATIS LOS DOS. Los enlaces de descarga están en las descripciones del video.
Now here's the project between Kassfinol and me! Both books are of micro-stories, horror from Kass and paranormal mine's, PLUS, BOTH OF THE ARE FREE. Downloads' links are in the video's description.
¡Espero les gusten!
Hope you like them!
¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

28 octubre 2015


¡Hola chicos! ¿Qué tal esas vidas?
Hoy vengo con una noticia grande :3 ¡OTRO LIBRO LISTO!
Kassfinol ha colaborado en este proyecto y ambos estaremos publicando dos libros llamados 31. Treinta y un microsrelatos paranormales de mi parte y treinta y uno de terror de parte de ella. Abajo conseguirán los primeros diez de mi edición; para leer diez del estilo de Kass den clic aquí.
¿La mejor parte de todo? SERÁN COMPLETAMENTE GRATIS LOS DOS. ¡Nos vemos mañana con ambos libros!

El silencio en la sala era aplastante, el viento se paseaba como perro por su casa, y en la alfombra, él esperaba la medianoche con la tabla lista para hablarle.

Cuando entró a la habitación, pudo ver su melena rubia sobresaliendo. Se las iba a pagar todas y cada una. Con un gesto de su mano, sus ojos salieron volando.

La niebla comenzaba a rodearlo. Quería despertar, volver a su realidad, que alguien gritara su nombre, pero no sabía que un muñeco con su foto estaba enterrado en el cementerio.

El gato se escuchó en toda la casa, haciendo que el niño llorara en su cuna. El fantasma vio a su exmujer salir con un hombre del cuarto. Juró venganza.

Ella estaba contra la pared rezando todas las oraciones que sabía desde niña. Ninguna llegó a los cielos. El sonido de su cabeza volando en piezas llegó de todas formas.

Lo había amado como a nada, pero no lo dejaría ir. Con una mordida, lo dejó seco. Esperaría hasta la noche, y si no funcionaba, se iría también con él.

La luna se alzó, la piel lo cubrió, los colmillos salieron, los dedos se volvieron garras y un aullido salió de su garganta lupina. Ahora sabrían que no había bromeado.

Sus alas se agitaron, dejando plumas negras atrás de su vuelo. Las recogí, aun sabiendo que no podía significar nada bueno. Y abandoné mi cuerpo al escuchar su Nunca más.

Con su muñeca cortada, él le dio la mano, vio en sus ojos la cara del acosador mientras su corazón se detenía lentamente, y cuando despertó del trance, aún sangraba.

Las llamas cubrieron su carne lentamente, sin quemarlo. Entonces era cierto. Ahora tenía una segunda oportunidad de vivir, y no precisamente de parte de los cielos. Sonrió recordando sus caras.
¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

26 octubre 2015

Pensando: Releyendo y recordando.

Reproducir antes de comenzar a leer
Hola gente, ¿qué tal les va?
Últimamente he pensado en demasiadas cosas, les he dado la vuelta, las he repasado una a una. No sé si sea porque ya estoy por terminar la universidad, si es por los problemas personales que están pasando atrás de esta pantalla, por los sentimientos que se me revolvieron, o si simplemente es el Asperger haciendo de las suyas, pero el asunto es ese. Hay cosas que se están condensando adentro de mi cabeza, tomando forma.
Soy una persona muy inconstante en todo, alguien que hace algo, lo empieza y lo deja a la mitad, pero ver que el blog ha estado vivo desde 2009 me ha levantado los ánimos de una manera que no creía posible.
Cuando lo comencé, tenía simplemente 14 años, escribía como si fuera la mega estrella de Internet (ahora me doy cuenta de eso, releyendo algunas entradas *horribles*), y han pasado tantas cosas desde entonces que me parece increíble.
Últimamente he tenido días y días mirando la pantalla en blanco, los más de treinta libros que tengo empezados, algunos desde hace ya varios años. Miraba y simplemente no me identificaba con ninguno, todos me parecían de alguien diferente, de una persona que no era yo.
Quería borrarlos todos, todos y cada uno, dejar de lado la escritura, renunciar, y perderme en no sé qué, simplemente irme de todos lados y que nadie volviera a saber de mí. Blog, facebook, twitter, internet, darme por vencido en todo. Sin embargo, volvía a mirar los libros dejados a la mitad y algo me decía: "no lo hagas", "ni lo pienses", "si los borras, pierdes". Decidí no perder.
Hace algunos días, comencé a leer nuevamente Crepúsculo y ayer lo terminé. Me encontré a mí mismo leyendo hasta las 6:00 am, con ganas de seguir, de terminar el libro y comenzar Luna nueva. Me servía demasiado como terapia porque mi vida sentimental es un desastre (quién quita y algún día les hable al respecto), aunque ya hay algunas pistas en mis libros.
No puedo recordar cuándo fue la última vez que un libro me mantuvo tanto tiempo despierto, pendiente de lo que pasaría, y aunque ya es la quinta vez que los leo, sentí que era la primera. Edward y Bella siempre tienen un efecto similar en mí, pero esta vez había un catalizador que no tenía en cuenta sino hasta ahora: Estoy muy sentimental, muy sensible, y estoy dejando caer cosas que me pesaban demasiado.
No soy 100% transparente, pero sí lo soy más que cuando empecé con esto que hoy se llama Tinta Nocturna. Escribirle a una pantalla blanca, una que lee alguien ocasionalmente, me ha ayudado como no tienen idea, leer lo que me enamoró en un principio de esto también, y he reflexionado sobre todo lo que antes me molestaba.
No soy el bestseller que quería ser a esta edad, no he escrito el libro del año, ni nada similar, pero a los veinte años ya tengo libros en Amazon, soy parte de una revista cultural, escribí artículos para una revista en inglés, lectores que me apoyan, un círculo de amigos con los que sé puedo contar, gente a mi alrededor que aunque no son familiares los siento como tales, ayudé a muchos de ellos, y sin darme cuenta, ellos igual conmigo. No voy a decir nombres, cada quién sabe que está en este párrafo.
Ya pasé muchísimo tiempo fingiendo cosas que no siento realmente, diciendo otras que no era reales al 100%, y aunque aún no es momento de sacarlas a la luz, estoy dejando caer poco a poco las que más me molestan, quedando más liviano que antes.
Me siento inspirado nuevamente, con más ganas que antes de escribir, y así no gane medio centavo, un comentario me basta. El sueño de vivir de mis libros sigue allí, más fuerte que nunca, pero ya no tengo tantas prisas como antes. Ver el resultado de trabajar con apuro me hizo bien.
También leyendo Crepúsculo, supe que aunque la vida pude ser imprevisible y catastrófica, depende de mí, el protagonista, decidir qué rumbo tomará. Este puede no ser mi libro favorito, pero sí uno que no quiero dejar de escribir. Puedo poner en pausa los demás, dejar allí por algún tiempo, pero este no me espera, no se guarda ni se detiene. Me di cuenta de que quiero que este sea mi mayor obra, una Opus Magnum.
Estoy volviendo a ser el chico que era en mi último año de bachillerato, alguien que considero mucho más fuerte que mi yo de ahora, y el tiempo se me pasa en un suspiro a veces, los libros nuevamente me tienen enamorado. Mientras escribo esto, tengo a la mujer que me cambió la vida de fondo, Lady Gaga, para los despistados.
Hay muchísimas cosas que veo a mi alrededor ya cambiadas, cosas que antes me parecían ajenas, extranjeras, y me sentía un extranjero en mi propio cuerpo. Todo está cambiando por fin, y aunque no vivo en uno de mis mundos soñados, no pienso dejar que eso me impida volver este en uno de ellos, no acercarme, sino transformarlo por completo.
Estas cosas pasan muy rápido en los libros. Los personajes simplemente narran un par de capítulos y ya el cambio se ha hecho, apenas si se siente, y están renovados, pero en la vida las cosas son más difíciles, toman años, y a mí me ha tomado media década darme cuenta de todo lo que ya he dicho.
Hubo un tiempo en que me importó más sacar un libro y venderlo que el resultado, ahora las cosas se invirtieron: prefiero ayudar a un lector con mis libros a ser el próximo New York Times Best Seller; como dije, el sueño sigue allí, pero ya no es mi norte.
Ahora solamente quiero escribir, escribir, escribir, y volver a escribir. Este 2016 verán más libros que nunca bajo mi nombre, pero serán mejores, algunos no muy extensos, pero sí más personales y más íntimos. No quiero ser de esos escritores que escriben solamente para vivir, quiero vivir para escribir y morir diciendo que fue un escritor, no un comerciante.
Quiero escribir algo que marque a alguien tanto como Crepúsculo me marcó a mí. Gracias a esta saga es que decidí ser escritor, y gracias a Stephenie Meyer me enamoré de los libros. ¿Que es una mala escritora y deja mucho que desear? A lo mejor, pero jamás podré dejar de mencionarla cuando me pregunté por qué escribo.
Ya tuve suficiente de darme lástimas, de estar cabizbajo y demás. No diré que se acabaron esos días, porque la depresión es una enfermedad peor que cualquier otra, pero no pienso dejar que me venza nuevamente.
Antes de irme, los invito a pasar por mi Wattpad. Cada lunes, sin falta, tendrán un capítulo de La Hija de Bóreas, mi última novela en Amazon, mientras termino cada libro pendiente. Es un libro que amo con toda mi alma, y es el inicio de una saga a la que también le tendré muchísimo aprecio. Espero sea el mismo caso con ustedes. ¡Bernardo y yo les agradeceremos muchísimo que nos dejen ser parte de sus vidas!

16 octubre 2015

Viernes Musical: Fiesta o infierno / Musical Friday: Party or hell.

Hola gente.
Hi people.
He estado ocupado nuevamente por tema de la universidad (tranquilos, pronto se acaba todo esto) y asuntos personales, pero decidí rescatar este tipo de entradas por una razón (más que nada porque es viernes y saben que la música es mi perdición y mi adicción).
I have been busy for college theme (quiet, this will end soon) and personal matters again, but decided to rescue these types of entries for a reason (mostly because it's Friday and you know that music is my downfall and my addiction ).

Últimamente las cosas se han puesto peliagudas por este lado del charco. No voy a escribir la bendita entrada sufrida y mártir que acostumbraba a hacer y solo por una razón: Me di cuenta de que en esta vida se puede escoger entre autocrucificarse o ponerse los audífonos. Adivinen qué escogí (Una frase de uno de mis futuros libros :P ).
Lately things have been tricky for this side of the pond. I won't write the famous martyr, suffered entry I used to, and only for one reason: I realized that in life you can choose between crucify yourself or putting on headphones. Guess what I chose (That's a phrase from one of my future books, by the way :P ).

Es viernes, ya se acaban los estudios, estoy dejando atrás muchas cosas que me hacían daño, esta vez definitivamente, y prefiero ir montando la fiesta a estar llorando. Al que no le guste, que se vaya al infierno.
It's Friday, my  studies are almost over, I'm leaving behind many things that hurt me, this time for real, and I prefer to go riding the party to be crying. Those who don't like can go to hell.
Espero les gusten ambas canciones. La primera es una que ya escuchaba de antes y que me daba fuerzas solo cambiándole una palabra, la segunda es una que encontré en estos días, perfecta para fiestas como la que necesito.
I hope you like both songs. The first is one that I already heard before and that gave me strength just by changing one word, the second I found these days, perfect for parties like the one I need.

¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

06 octubre 2015

¡Concurso! / Giveaway!

¡Hola chicos!
Hi guys!
Sé que he estado inactivo por mucho tiempo, pero estoy trabajando en algunos secretos, así como también en mis trabajos de la universidad (¡Noviembre, llega YA!).
I know I've been inactive for a time, but I'm working in some secrets, as well as in my college work (November, come NOW).
Por otro lado, no me olvido de ustedes, así que estuve pensando un poco, y aprovechando que estamos en mi mes favorito, decidí hacer un concurso sorteando varios ejemplares en digital de mis libros *inserte aquí grito de FanGirl*.
On the other hand, I didn't forget you, so I was thinking a little, and since we´re in my favorite month, I decided to make a contest dodging several digital copies of my books here *insert fangirl scream*.
Habrán tres ganadores :3 Los tres se llevarán una copia de La Hija de Bóreas, dos de ellos se llevarán una copia de Tinta Nocturna y solo uno tendrá una copia de Fuego en las Manos (Obviamente irán dedicadas a cada ganador, así pueden presumirlas con gusto si les gusta hacerlo).
There will be three winners :3 The three of them will get a copy of La Hija de Bóreas, two will get a copy of Tinta Nocturna and just one will get a copy of Fuego en las Manos (obviously they'll be dedicated to each winner, so you can presume them if you like to).
Como se lo imaginan, es INTERNACIONAL. Será desde el 7 de Octubre hasta el 7 de Noviembre, y con tantas opciones, podrán ganar puntos hasta por respirar xD. ¡Espero se animen!
As you imagine, it is international. It will be from October 7th to November 7th, and with so many options, you can even earn points by breathing xD. Hope you join in!
Cualquier duda, comentario, me lo dejan allí abajo ;)
Any questions, comments, I leave it down there ;)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

PD: Por falta de inspiración, La Saga de Amelia quedará en pausa, pero hay otra historia en curso en mi wattpad ;) espero les guste!
PS: Because of the lack of inspiration, La Saga de Amelia will be in pause, but there's another on-going story in my wattpad ;) hope you like it!

21 septiembre 2015

¡La Saga de Amelia!

¡Hola gente!
Hi people!
Haré una  entrada rápida para avisarle que la continuación de mi historia La Saga de Alice ya está disponible en Wattpad. Pueden leerlas ambas en la página y lo mejor es que ¡SON GRATIS! :P
I'll make a quick entry to let you the sequel to my story La Saga de Alice is already in Wattpad. Both stories are in that web, and the best part, THEY ARE FREE! :P
Para esta decidí centrarme en la vida de Amelia, la mamá de Alice, y como se podrán imaginar, es la historia de lo que pasó antes de que ella naciera, de los peligros que enfrentó su madre para traerla al mundo.
For this I decided to focus on the Amelia's life, Alice's mom, and as you can imagine, is the story of what happened before she was born, the dangers faced by her mother to bring her to the world.
No por esto pueden leerla antes que la de Alice, pues considero que para una correcta experiencia y despertar bien la curiosidad deberían primero conocer a la hija y luego a la madre. Sé por qué se los digo. ;)
Not 'cause of this you can read it before than Alice's, because I think that for proper experience and arouse curiosity you rather should first know the daughter and then the mother. I know why I'm saying. ;)
Aprovecho para darle gracias a Nadia Salamanca Fuenzalida por la portada.
Also I wat to thank Nadia Salamanca Fuenzalida forthis cover.
¡Ahora sí, para leer la historia, clic a la portada!
Now, to read the story, click the cover!

¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

10 septiembre 2015

Ichiro Lambe and his Elegy for a Dead World.

Para el artículo en español, clic aquí.

When you think about videogames, Super Smash Bros, Street Fighter, Megaman, Pacman, Mario, and many more, come to your mind. Can you imagine one about writing? Sure not, and you’d be surprised if you find out that there’s such a game.
It’s called Elegy for a Dead World, created by Dejobaan Games, which president and founder, Ichiro Lambe, I interviewed about.
It was a normal day in Facebook when I saw my cousin tagged my in something that catch my attention that pretty moment: A game intended for writers, maybe even readers, whoever enjoys writing.
The player controls a kind of spaceman who travels through three post-apocalyptic worlds, each one of them based in a different poem from famous poets: Byron, Keats and Shelly, and he writes about anything he sees, feels and hears.
Also, Elegy comes whit many exercises that may help you to improve your writing skills: Do it from a basic school girl point of view, write a love letter to that significant other, a poem, and even a free style mood to write whatever you want.
After playing some sessions in it, the first I should say is: WHAT A GRAPHICS. I mean it, they are one of the strongest points that Elegy has. The shape and colors are not realistic, for sure, but the way they look and the atmosphere they create makes you feel near to the three worlds in some strange way.
Another strong point to Elegy is the sound, the music, even the silence in some cases. When you’re writing about dead civilization, there’s nothing better than a good background to inspire yourself, maybe a mute moment to think and write about your lost memories, those who you miss, the love you’re never going to hear or see again.
As for the gameplay, it’s very simple. We won’t find monsters, epic battles or tyrants to fight, but three dead planets whit the ashes of what they were, infinite lands with untold stories we can write about.
You will need only your arrow keys to go back and forth, to fly sometimes, and the letter keys to write your stories. Simple, light, common, and nothing so explosive, but great to exercise your inner writer (which is what the game is intended to).
You don’t really need to be a New York Times Best Selling author to play it; if you can write, are creative, can think in an interesting text, either narrative or poem, you can play/write your own Elegy for a Dead World.
Now that you know about the game from my perspective, my own point of view, you should know its creator’s, shouldn’t you? Here they are.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, who is Ichiro Lambe? What does he do in Dejobaan?
I'm founder and president. I also generally lead product development on our games. Sometimes, when they let me, I pop down and start coding things, but that can get dangerous, and is best left to the experts.

2. What made you decide to create/work on videogames?
As the story goes, when I was a kid, my father sat me down in front of a TI 99/4A instead of tossing me a baseball. I found it fascinating! In subsequent years, I would tinker with everything I could -- I remember, one time, hooking up photoresistors to my Atari 800 to create a sort-of shooting gallery you could play with a flashlight. Fun times.

3. Now, starting with Elegy for a Dead World, how did come the idea of a game about writting? How was the experience of creating three worlds based of three different poems? What helped you in the process?
Then-fellow Indie Game Collective developer Ziba Scott and I sat down with some of the others to do a week-long project where you just explored a scrolling landscape and tried to suss out what was going on. Here's a bit more on that:

4. Why that name? Is there a story behind it you can tell? And, maybe the most important question, what is an Elegy?
It was originally (tongue-in-cheek) called "Dead Civilizations Pickled Ginger," because it was a game about post-apocalyptic worlds that was meant to be a palate cleanser for us devs. Obviously, we wanted something more serious to launch, so we figured that you were creating little poems/laments (the titular elegies) about these long-forgotten civilizations (the dead worlds).

5. In the web, you say that we players can take screenshots while playing Elegy and publish a book with them, could you explain more about it?
Yup; once you write your story, you can export it all to disk as images, and if you like, go to a website like Blurb.com and have those turned into a book. I've done it. It's real! And neat.

6. Which part was the hardest while creating Elegy?
Figuring out what the game was about, actually! Was it a side-scrolling walking simulator? How heavy-handed did we want to be about what you found on each world? We tried all sorts of things before we landed on the final design.

7. You selected three poems to develop the game, and the three of them were about dead worlds, post-apocaliptic, is there any other you could mention?
Gosh; there are a bunch of good ones, especially in romanticism, which is the period we chose. I mean, Poe was a contender -- his imagery is all about dark omens. But it wasn't British, so we avoided him. Also, IIRC, he had a thing for his cousin.

8. I really loved Keats' world, is there one, between the three worlds in the game, that you call your favorite?
I think you picked (co-developer) Ziba's favorite, based on this poem. It's all about Keats' fears that he was going to die before finishing all the grand works that were in his head (he did). I'm partial to Byron's world, as Darkness is so evocative:
“I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;
Morn came and went—and came, and brought no day,
And men forgot their passions in the dread
Of this their desolation”

9. Do you think you could make another "writting game" in the future?
Sure; I'd have to ponder how, though. It'd need to be different.

10. What are you working on right now? Could you tell us something about it?
We haven't announced anything yet, but we're working on an RPG about interstellar exploration, where you land on a bunch of planets and try to make first contact with the people who live there (the opposite of Elegy). Here's a quote from my sorta-dev-log:
Anecdote from an as-yet-unannounced RPG: you can talk a warehouse guard into unlocking his facility's front gate by saying the right things. The game logic checks if there's a locked door near you, and opens it. The game doesn't do a weight check, so you can pick up the guard, sweet talk him, and roam around the map, getting him to unlock everything.

11. Which would be your advice for those who want to work on videogames too?
Do something small but amazing. And network like crazy: everyone I know who's landed a decent job got it by getting to know people in the industry.

12. Thanks for your time and for bringing Elegy to our own world! Hope to hear again from you and Dejobaan!
Absolutely; thanks for taking the time to chat!

¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

05 septiembre 2015

¡La Hija de Bóreas en Amazon!

¡Hola chicos!
Hi guys!
AL FIN, POR FIN. Ya salió publicada La Hija de Bóreas por Amazon. Este libro sí me hizo difícil, sufrí física y emocionalmente escribiéndolo, así que está de más decir que es mi favorito hasta el momento.
FINALLY, AT LAST. I published La Hija de Bóreas (Daughter of Boreas) in Amazon. This book did made it hard to me, I suffered physically and emotionally writing it, so it goes without saying that it's my favorite so far.
Actualmente tengo una especie de reseca-depresión-post-autopublicación y no quiero escribir ni siquiera en el facebook, como siempre que acabo un libro. En este caso es especial porque terminé dos, ya les diré más al respecto :P
Currently I have a kind of post-publishing-hangover-depression and I don't want to write even on facebook, as always when I finish a book. This case is special because I finished two, I'll tell you more about it later :P
Por ahora, solo les contaré que es el primero de una saga basada en mitología griega. Realmente estoy luchando conmigo mismo para poder escribir una entrada aceptable, pero la cabeza no me da. Nos vemos cuando se me pasen los efecto :)
For now, I'll tell you it is the first in a series based on Greek mythology. I'm really struggling with myself to write an acceptable input, but my head doesn't help me. See you when I was passing the effect :)

¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!

27 agosto 2015

Frida Mortem

¡Hola chicos! ¿qué tal les va?
Hi people! What's going on?
Hoy quiero compartirles un cómic de facebook que me ha hecho reir bastante. Son viñetas creadas por Lay Black, una artista del país, donde cuenta las aventuras de una chica gótica llamada Frida Mortem con unas amistades un tanto... particulares: Zacarías, un oso de peluche poseído donde están todas sus emociones; Clash, un fantasma punk amante de Bauhaus que la cuida; Mi-go, un demonio lovecraftiano; y su nueva vecina, Lucy, una chica esquizofrénica. Por su fuera poco, sus padres están muertos (se los llevó un demonio, según cuenta en una viñeta la linda niña).
Today I want to share a comic from facebook that has made me laugh a lot. They are vignettes created by Lay Black, an artist of the country, where you the adventures of a Gothic girl named Frida Mortem with some... strange friends: Zacarias, a possessed teddy bear where all her emotions are in; Clash, a punk ghost who likes Bauhaus that who cares of her; Mi-Go, a Lovecraftian demon; and her new neighbor, Lucy, a schizophrenic girl. If this isn't enough, her parents are dead (a demon took them, says in a cartoon this cute little girl).
Frida tiene un humor MUY NEGRO, algo que amo, me encanta, me saca sonrisas, etc. Saben que todo lo que es oscuro y retorcido me llama la atención, así que Frida no podía quedarse atrás. Les dejo algunas imágenes junto con el enlace a la página del facebook donde pueden deben darle Me Gusta.
Frida has a VERY BLACK humor, something I love, I like, makes me smile, etc. You know that all that is dark and twisted strikes me, so Frida could not be outside. I leave some images along with the link to the facebook page where you can must give Like.

Frida: Do you wanna play a game?
Blondie: Yeah!
Frida: If you enter this magical fork in the magical outlet, a magical faery will come out of it.
Lesson #6: Poison is more effective than cutting your veins... think about it.
Lesson #3: Don't hear the voice in your head... it is always right.
Lesson#7: Your hair's color doesn't define your maturity or intelligence.
Frida: Do you wanna play hangman?
Zacarías: Yeah! You start!
Frida: You have one word left.
Zacarías: I didn't mean this...
Frida: Can we have a greveyard in the courtyard?
Clash: Yeah, of course... Let's go kill a plenty of people and the we eart them there to decorate...
Clash: It's was a joke, Frida!!! A JOKE!!!
Sometimes I want to kill someone... If only it was legal...
Boy: What you see, girl? Do you wanna play with a fuckin animal too?
Frida: Yeah... I'd like to play...
Clash: What are you doing, Frida?
Frida: Playing with a fucking animal.
Clash: Oh... I see.

¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!