27 julio 2011

"Te Amo."

When she dances I was thrilled, I am hanging with a thread and I cannot see beyond his body and his eyes flashing. I cannot think or speak; I can only see and devour she with my eyes.

Each of its movements is an ardent poetry gives me a reason to live, each of their sighs the air for me is breathe, and every look she gives me is a whip of cruel dream that gives me pleasure.

"Te Amo", she says. She invites me to dance with her, but I cannot just, I completely disassembled with each of her movements, every turn and every sensual step she takes. Each one downs my defenses and I cannot do anything about it.

Rather, I will not.

I have fear to love, to be with her, enjoy, laugh and mourn with her. I'm terrified and she knows it, but just tells me.

“Te Amo”. I hear the fear in his voice, but she is sure of what you want, and will not rest until she have it.

She's becoming more tempting, she pray more, more and more hints. I cannot say no, I cannot leave. I want her to be mine.

I say no, but she tells me crying "Te Amo" draws me to her and her scent intoxicates me and drug me completely. I try to stay away, but my soul asks me why I oppose it and refuse disregards what she wants, but I cannot.

She is still dancing, still tempting, insinuating and calling, but I cannot. I dare not.

Or yes?

Somehow I'll wake up tomorrow, but I'll not be alone.

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