28 noviembre 2013

Portadas por Alexia Jorques / Covers bv Alexia Jorques

Hola chicos! ¿Qué tal les va? Hoy vengo con una información que puede interesarles a algunos de ustedes, especialmente para los que son escritores noveles y autopublicados. Una diseñadora gráfica con gran talento, que toma en serio cada trabajo que le llega y da la excelencia en todos ellos. Se trata de Alexia Jorques, y hoy quiero mostrarles su trabajo, el cual se especializa en la creación de portadas de libros.
Hello guys! Hos is it going? Today I come with an information that may interest to some of you, especially to those who are new and selfpublished writter. A graphic designer with a great talent, that takes care about all of the works that she mades and gives excelense in all of them. Is Alexia Jorques, and today I want to sho you her works, which specializes in creating book covers. 

Alexia también ha diseñado portadas para libros que no tienen que ver con la literatura:
Alxia has designed covers to books that have nothing to do with literature:

Aprovecho para decirles que Alexia tiene unas portadas excelentes ¡¡LISTAS PARA LA VENTA!! Son portadas pre-diseñadas por ella misma, las cuales ya están terminadas y tienen textos de muestra para que vean el aspecto de la fuente utilizada. Las pueden ver acá.
Take this opportunity to say that Alexia has excellent covers READY FOR SALE! They are pre-designed covers for herself, which are already completed and have sample texts to see the appearance of the font used. You can see them here.
Para contactar a Alexia pueden visitar a cualquiera de las siguientes páginas e informarse acerca de su trabajo y servicios o escribir directamente a su correo:
To contact Alexia you can visit any of the next pages and learn about her work and services or write directly to her email:



Un saludo y un abrazo.
Greetings and hugs!

26 noviembre 2013

Pensando: La super chica salva al pobre chico. / Thinking: Super girl saves the poor guy.

Arriesgará todo por amor, algo así...
She's going to risk all for love,
something like this...
Hola nocturnos, ¿Qué tal les está yendo? Seguro y mejor que yo, porque resulta que ahora con las vacaciones a la vuelta de la esquina se dañó mi laptop. *Insertar aquí grito de rabia* Allí tengo todo: Las fotos de los libros, mis textos, mi música, incluso mis lecturas en digital, así que por ahora el blog estará escaso de reseñas, vamos, nada nuevo, para ustedes jajajaja
Hello nocturnos, how is it going? Of course that better than me, beause now with the vacations in the other side of the street my laptop get damaged. *Insert here rage screem* There I have everything: The pics to my books, my texts, my music, also my e-readings, so for now, the blog will be little of reviews, come on, nothing new for you hahahaha
Yo estuve pensando en estos días acerca de un tema que me llama muchísimo la atención, y es que últimamente casi todos los libros que leo son sobre chicas que le salvan la existencia a un chico, donde ellas son las que deben hacer lo grande en el libro.
I was thinking those days about a theme that calls me much atention, and it is that no almost all the books that I read are about girls that save a boy's life, where they are those who are going to do the big thing in the book.
No sabes dónde estás parado si no
sabes que la chica es la clave en esta historia.
You don't know where are you standing if you
don't know that the girl is the key here.
No tengo nada en contra de las mujeres fuertes, soy de los que dicen que las mujeres pueden ser tan fuertes como los hombres, no soy como el hombre del que hablé aquí, pero ya me cansa MUCHO ver esto en los libros, y por eso estoy cambiando de lecturas. Antes de que me insulten, les explicaré por qué pienso esto.
I don't have nothing agains't strong women, I'm of those who said that women can be the same strong like men, I'm not like the man that I speak about him here, but I'm tired of see this in the books, and for that I'm changing my readings. Before you insult me, I'm going to explain why I think that.
A mí me gusta la variedad, me gusta descubrir algo nuevo, encontrarme con un giro de tuerca en mis lecturas, y cada vez veo más y más y más libros de chicas como protagonistas. Entiendo que pueda ser como una rebelión, un movimiento en que la mujer puede ser la heroína, yo tengo libros y relatos donde las chicas tienen grandes poderes y habilidades: Crónicas Lujuriosas tiene a  Camila, Absit tertulia tiene a Amira, La saga de Alice tiene a Alice, El Sèraph tiene a Romina, un libro que tengo planeado es sobre unas chicas semi diosas. Pero el caso es que son DEMASIADOS.
Una chica es la que inicia la revolución.
A girl is the one who strts the revolution.
I like the variety, discover somthing new, meet a twist in my readings, and avery time I see more and moe and more books with girls like protagonists. I understand that it could be as a rebellion, a movement where the woman can be the hero, I have books and stories where the girls have big powers and habilities: Crónicas Lujuriosas has Camila, Absit tertulia has Amira, La Saga de Alice has Alice, El Sèraph has Romina, a book that I'm planning has semi-goddess girls, . But the thins is that they are SO MANY.
Ghostgirl, Los Juegos del Hambre, Firelight, Crónicas Caster, La Casa de la Noche, Sombra Nocturna, Los Milenarios, Cazadores de Sombras, y la sigue hasta el infinito y más allá. Ya estoy cansado de ver a la chica que salva al chico, de una adolescente que no sabe que tiene poder, una muchacha que descubre ser la clave para salvar al mundo. YA BASTA.
Ghostgirl, The Hunger Games, Firelight, Caster Chronicles, The House of the Night, Nightshade, Millennial, The Mortal Instruments, and the list continues to infinity and beyond. I'm tired of see the girl who saves the boy, a teenager that doesn't know that she have power, a girl that discovers she's the key to save the world. ENOUGH.
De nuevo ella arriesga todo por amor...
Again she risks all for love...
Seguramente me van a decir: Ajá, ¿Y Crepúsculo? Pues yo les digo: Isabella Swan es simplemente el motor que necesita Edward para actuar, ella no pelea, no se enfrenta a nadie, es una chica común y corriente, una más del montón, hasta Amanecer, obviamente.
Surely you will say: Aha, And Twilight? But I tell you: Isabella Swan is simply the engine that need Edward to act, she doesn't fight, doesn't face anyone, it's an ordinary girl, a heap, until Breaking Dawn, obviously.
Lo que trato de decir con esto es que creo ver un abuso por parte de los escritores, más que nada los norteamericanos, de poner a las mujeres como las únicas que importan en la historia, cuando se puede variar un poco... Es lo que pienso, personalmente, pero quiero saber qué dicen ustedes al respecto. Soy todo oídos :D
What I'm trying to say with this is that I see an abuse by the writers, mostly Americans, to put women as the only ones that matter in the story, when it can vary a little... That's what I think, personally, but I want to know what you say about. Tell me :D

Un saludo y un abrazo.
Greetings and hugs!

25 noviembre 2013

¡ Día de Lanzamientos + Concursos! Day of Release + Contests!

Covets have all the sexiness, emotion, and happily ever after that readers have come to expect and love from Entangled. They are firmly grounded in the contemporary world, but each novel brings in supernatural twists, breaking the contemporary and paranormal rules, alike. To find out more about their titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books you’ll be coveting next, visit the Entangled website, follow them on Twitter, LIKE their Facebook page, and join the Book Club.

¡Hola gente! ¿Cómo están? Hoy estoy feliz de presentarles los lanzamientos de Noviembre de Covet porque como celebración por estos cuatro nuevos libros, estarán en venta por solo $0.99 solamente por la primera semana. Así que serían perfectas para descargar y leer durante el fin de semana en medio de tanto ajetreo.
Hello everyone! How are you? Today I'm happy to be featuring Covet's November releases which is very exciting because in celebration of these four great new books, they are on sale for just $0.99 for the first week of release only. So they will be perfect to download and read over the long holiday weekend between all the bussle .
También, asegúrense de esperar a esta noche en el twitter a las 8:00 PM para el #CovetBash. Los autores de estos libros entrarán en la diversión, además de que habrán oportunidades para ganar premios, incluído un concurso con un gran premio del fondo editorial completo de Covet par un único y afortunado ganador! Detalles aquí.
Also, make sure to hop on twitter tonight at 8PM to join in the #CovetBash. The authors of these books will be joining in the fun, and there will be lot's of chances to win prizes, including a grand prize giveaway of Covet's entire backlist to one lucky winner! Details here.

Parts & Wreck by Mark Henry

Wade Crowson, un playboy brutal y melancólico y viviseccionista veterano del Departamento de Partes, encuentra más de lo que esperaba de un nuevo compañero, Lucid Montgomery, una belleza peculiar con un secreto bizarro y una series de diagnósticos psiquiátricos que trata de mantener ocultos. Amar a Luce pondrá un blanco demoníaco en su espalda y empuja a Wade dentro de un torbellino de malentendidos hilarantes y, posiblemente, la extracci{on de un nido vacío. ¿Podrán soportar el salvajismo de un exorcismo (con o sin la sopa de guisantes) y salir vivos y... enamorados?
Wade Crowson, a brutish and brooding playboy and veteran vivisectionist for the Parts Department, runs into more than he bargained for in new partner, Lucid Montgomery, a quirky beauty with a bizarre secret and a string of psychiatric diagnoses she tries hard to keep hidden. Loving Luce will stamp a demonic target on her back and thrust Wade into a frenzied whirlwind of hilarious misunderstandings and, quite possibly, a stripping gig for emptynesters. Can they withstand the savagery of an exorcism (with or without the split pea soup) and come out alive and …in love?

Operation Saving Daniel by Nina Croft

A los dieciocho años, Melissa sedujo al hermano de su mejor amiga, Julia, sólo para huir poco después. Mientras que Daniel era su príncipe de cuento de hadas, Lissa no creía en felices para siempre.
At eighteen, Melissa seduced her best friend Julia's brother only to run away shortly after. While Daniel was her fairytale prince, Lissa didn’t believe in happy ever afters.
Diez años y una experiencia cercana a la muerte más tarde, Lissa está lista para un esposo y familia. Pero un grito de ayuda de Julia pone ese sueño en espera. Daniel está actuando raro y está a punto de casarse con su novia de largo plazo-Mejor conocida como La Maligna. Alguien tiene que salvarlo.
Ten years and a near death experience later, Lissa is ready for a husband and family. But a cry for help from Julia puts that dream on hold. Daniel is acting weird and he’s about to marry his long term girlfriend—AKA The Evil One. Someone needs to save him.
Daniel nunca ha dejado de amar a Lissa. Hace diez años, cuando él le dio un poco de libertad, él siempre tuvo la intención de que algún día estarían juntos. Justo hasta el momento en que fue mordido por un hombre lobo. Ahora, Daniel tiene que ocultar lo que es. No dejará que nadie más se arriesgue, especialmente la mujer que ama.
Daniel has never stopped loving Lissa. Ten years ago when he gave her a little freedom, he always intended that one day they would be together. Right up until the moment he was bitten by a werewolf. Now, Daniel has to hide what he is. He won’t risk anyone else, especially the woman he loves.
Pero Lissa está de vuelta. Su atracción es más fuerte que nunca y Lissa es nada si no es tenaz.
But Lissa is back. Their attraction is stronger than ever and Lissa is nothing if not tenacious.

The Awakening: Britton by Abby Niles
The Awakening #3

"I would lick that man up one side and down the other."
Half-shifter and lead SPAC agent, Val Calhoun, has listened to women gush over the Don Juan of the precinct for the last four years. Yeah, Detective Britton Townsend is hot and has stunning blue eyes, but that foul mouth he saves only for her? What a waste of good looks. And no way does Val want that mouth anywhere near hers.
When the shifter community is threatened, Val is assigned to the case…and fails. So the High Council turns to the rogue shifter they'd sentenced to twenty years as a human--that same obnoxiously sexy Detective Townsend. And sends the two arch-enemies deep into the North Carolina Mountains-—together, and alone.
Being stuck in a tiny honeymoon cabin with Miss Castration and only one bed is definitely not Britton's idea of a good time. But the High Council doesn’t take no for an answer. After his shifter abilities are restored, Brit is once again susceptible to the dreaded, irreversible bonding instinct, the Drall. Thankfully, all he’s ever felt for Val is intense loathing, no reason to worry. Right? All he has to do is solve this case pronto, and he can go back to his footloose Casanova ways. That is, if they don’t kill each other first. Or worse...fall in love.

Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Goodreads

Missed the first book in the Awakening series? While these books stand alone, it can be fun to go back and see how the other couple got together. And in celebration of book #3's release, book one, The Awakening: Aidan is on sale for just $0.99 as well, so grab it while you can!

The Awakening: Aidan by Abby Niles
The Awakening #1

¿El regalo del amor eterno es una bendición o una maldición?
Is the gift of eternal love a blessing or a curse?
After years of counseling grieving shifters, psychiatrist and half-shifter, Dr. Jaylin Avgar has become jaded on shifter mating. She wants to marry a human and forget about the love for eternity crap. Then she meets Aidan O’Connell, an infuriatingly laid back shifter who represents everything she doesn’t want. Yet, the more he pursues her, the more she craves a future with him. Only one thing stands in her way: death. Can she overcome her fear of losing Aidan to the one guarantee in life?
Millionaire consultant, Aidan O’Connell knows he’ll one day meet a woman who’ll awaken an unrelenting mating instinct. Unfortunately, that woman is Jaylin, who has no qualms about telling him that he and his so-called eternity can shove it. When she pushes him away, he takes a drastic step so she can no longer escape. The close proximity throws the instinct into overdrive. Can he control the need engrained in him until he’s certain she will reciprocate the bond, or will a moment of weakness doom him to hell on earth?


Un saludo y un abrazo.
Greetings and hugs!

21 noviembre 2013

Another Cover Reveal!

Tracy’s Giveaway:

Genre: Romantic Mystery/Suspense
Length: 400 pages
ISBN-13: 9781622661251
On-Sale Date: April 22, 2014
Imprint: Entangled Select

After fleeing DC following a one-night stand that had her reeling, biotech company heiress Mia Moncure has thrived working with a humanitarian aid team administering vaccines in Haiti. When the United States is threatened with a flu epidemic, Mia’s grandmother demands her return to unveil a new flu vaccine for Moncure Therapeutics. She arrives to find that her ex-boyfriend, the company’s PR Director, has died in a suspicious accident in Switzerland that Mia soon suspects was murder.
Determined to reveal a killer, Mia heads to Switzerland, where she’s threatened as she discovers a plan to infiltrate the vaccine for nefarious purposes. Desperate for backup, she turns to sexy Gio Lorenzo, Communications Director for her mother, a high-ranking senator—and Mia’s one-night stand. While negotiating their rocky relationship, they race to uncover a deadly scheme that could ruin her family’s reputation. But millions of people are being vaccinated, and there’s more than her family’s legacy at stake. Mia and Gio struggle to discover the truth about the scheme and their feelings for each other, but it just might be too late.  

About Tracy March:
Award-winning author Tracy March writes romantic thrillers influenced by her career in the pharmaceutical field, and her interest in science and politics. She also writes lighthearted romances inspired by her real-life happily ever after.
Always up for travel and adventure, Tracy has flown in a stunt plane, snowmobiled on the Continental Divide, ziplined in the Swiss Alps, and been chased by a bull in the mountains of St. Lucia. She loves Nationals baseball, Saturday date nights, and Dairy Queen Blizzards—and rarely goes a day without Diet Coke and Cheez-Its.


Dyed and Gone by Beth Yarnall
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Length: 400 pages
ISBN-13: 9781622661237
On-Sale Date: March 25, 2014
Imprint: Entangled Select

Hairstylist Azalea March is looking forward to a wild weekend in Las Vegas with her friends. Oh, sure, they’re supposed to be there on business, attending the biggest hair show on the west coast, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a little fun.
But fun quickly turns to drama. On the first morning of the show, Dhane, the biggest celeb of the hair-styling world, is found dead. As it turns out Azalea’s friend, Vivian, not only knew Dhane, but the tale she weaves of how they met is faker than a showgirl’s uh... assets. When Vivian confesses to the murder and is arrested, Azalea knows there’s no way she could have done it and suspects Vivian may be trying to protect someone. But who?
Azalea now has to convince Alex, the sexy detective from her past, to help her prove Vivian’s innocence and comb through clues more twisted than a spiral perm. But the truth is stranger than anything found on the Las Vegas Strip, and proving Vivian’s innocence turns out to be more difficult than transforming a brunette into a blonde.

About Beth Yarnall:
Beth Yarnall writes romantic suspense, mysteries and the occasional hilarious blog post. A storyteller since her playground days, Beth remembers her friends asking her to make up stories of how the person `died' in the slumber party game Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board, so it's little wonder she prefers writing stories in which people meet unfortunate ends. In middle school she discovered romance novels, which inspired her to write a spoof of soap operas for the school's newspaper. She hasn't stopped writing since.
For a number of years, Beth made her living as a hairstylist and makeup artist and co-owned a salon with her very best friend. Somehow hairstylists and salons always seem to find their way into her stories. Beth lives deep in the heart of 'The O.C.', California with her husband, two sons, and their dog where she is hard at work on her next novel. For more information about Beth and her stories please visit her website- www.bethyarnall.com

Un saludo y un abrazo.
Greetings and hugs!

15 noviembre 2013

Viernes Musicales: Just tonight, de The Pretty Reckless

Hola gente, ¿cómo les va? espero que bien. Yo estuve una semana entera sin Internet, como seguro se dieron cuenta, pero ya por fin tengo conexión y puedo hacer de las mías en la red. MUAJAJAJAJAJAJA! Tiembla Blogger!!
Hi people, how's it going? I hope well. I was a whole week without Internet, as insurance realized, but I have finally connected and I can make my own on the net. MUAJAJAJAJAJAJA! Tremble Blogger!
El Viernes Musical de hoy será especial, porque será la primera canción que usaremos unos amigos y yo para un proyecto del que no hablaré por ahora, simplemente diré que es una idea que tengo pensada desde hace ya mucho y que me gustaría que todo se diera perfectamente. Aquí se las dejo:
Viernes Musical today will be special because it will be the first song that some friends and I will use for a project that I speak for now, just say it is an idea that I have thought for quite a lot and I would like everything to be given perfectly. Here I leave:

A mí me encanta, aunque no me gusta que el video sea sin sentido, al menos así lo veo yo. Me gusta que los videos cuenten una historia, o que te muestren algo nuevo que puedas relacionar con la canción, y este no es así: simplemente Taylor camina como medio dormida y las flores.
I love it, although I do not like that the video is no sense, at least as I see it. I like that the videos tell a story, or show you something new that you can relate to the song, and this is not so: just Taylor walks like half asleep and flowers.
Para mí, el video podía dar mucho más, relacionarlo con la canción y demás, pero lo desaprovecharon MUCHÍSIMO. Pero algo sí hay que aplaudir: La dirección fotográfica es impecable, y la imagen que se ve estática antes de iniciar el video, el de los audífonos con las rosas y las velas, es PRECIOSA!
For me, the video could give more, relate with the song and all, but it squandered MUCH. But something must applaud: The photographic direction is impeccable, and the image is static before starting the video, the headphones with roses and candles, is BEAUTIFUL!

Un saludo y un abrazo.
Greetings and hugs!

Call of the Siren Cover Reveal!

Call of the Siren by Rosalie Lario Cover Reveal Kit

Paranormal romance readers should definitely hop on this thrill-ride of a series..." - Night Owl Reviews - Top Pick!

The DEMONS OF INFERNUM  is a paranormal romance series featuring four brothers who are interdimensional bounty hunters. Set in modern-day New York City, it features a world very much like our own...with one exception. Supernatural beings roam the streets, undetected by most humans. They aren’t the stuff of horror stories—at least not in the traditional sense. They’re species from other dimensions who have traveled to Earth via portals. Most are law-abiding citizens, but every now and again a fugitive goes on the loose...and that’s where our heroes come in.

Bred to be genetically superior by their demon father, Keegan, Taeg, Ronin, and Dagan are hybrids. Each bears unique genetic makeup, yet the four are similar in their loyalty for one another. But as the brothers battle a growing evil, they will each meet their perfect match. They will find their loyalty—and love—put to the ultimate test.

CALL OF THE SIREN is the epic conclusion to the Demons of Infernum series!
Call of the Siren by Rosalie Lario
Publication: March 25th, 2014 by Entangled Select
The half-siren half-demon bounty hunter Dagan Meyers swore he'd never settle down. His older brothers might’ve adjusted well to family life but tying himself to one woman is so not Dagan’s bag. Until he meets the gorgeous angel Lina, his brother Ronin’s long-lost adopted sister, and he can’t think of being with anybody but her. Too bad Ronin’s well aware of Dagan’s party-boy lifestyle and won’t let him anywhere near his angelic baby sister.
Lina is still getting over the abandonment issues that began when she was orphaned as a child and has devoted her life to taking down evil Otherworlders. The last thing she wants is to develop feelings for man she knows will eventually leave her, too. But as the battle against a growing darkness continues—a powerful fae who’s harnessed untold power—Dagan and Lina find that love may be their greatest weapon against the very thing that threatens to destroy them all.


Rosalie Lario is the award-winning, paranormal romance author of the Demons of Infernum and the Fallen Warriors series. Rosalie double majored in Anthropology and Classics as an undergraduate student, and briefly considered becoming an archaeologist before realizing they don't actually live the life of Indiana Jones. So what was a classical geek armed with a lot of useless knowledge to do? Become a lawyer, of course!
After attending law school in Florida, she practiced real estate law for several years before finally admitting to herself that negotiating contracts wasn't nearly as fun as dreaming up stories. She never imagined all the mythology she'd learned throughout her undergraduate education might actually come in handy, but it makes perfect fodder for the paranormal romance stories she now dreams up.
When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two young children in their home state of Florida.

Un saludo y un abrazo.
Greetings and hugs!

14 noviembre 2013

Before the Devil knows You're Dead Cover Revel!

Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead by Patricia Eimer Cover Reveal Kit

“Ms. Eimer’s twist on God and the Devil is genius. . . . Luck of the Devil is pure entertainment with satirical religious undertones that yield uncontrollable, giggles-worthy hilarity that simply adds to the fun.” - Renee C. Fountain, New York Journal of Books

Speak Of The Devil Trilogy Overview
SPEAK OF THE DEVIL is a paranormal romantic comedy series that follows the Devil’s youngest daughter Faith Bettincourt as she tries to build a lasting relationship with Matt Andrews, the sexy nephilim next door. Can these two find a way to defeat their crazy families, a group of homicidal pixies, and the start of the Apocalypse and still get Happily Ever After? Or are they doomed to be on opposite sides of the good and evil fence for all eternity?

BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU’RE DEAD is the amazing conclusion to the Speak of the Devil trilogy!
Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead by Patricia Eimer
Publication: March 25th, 2014 by Entangled Select

Not Even Death Keeps a Good Demoness Down

There’s never an end to the crazy when you’re demon spawn. Not that Faith Bettincourt’s complaining. She’s been patching things up with her angelic on-again off-again boyfriend, Matt, and her best-friend-turned-sister-in-law is soon giving birth to the Anti-Christ Part Deux. Oh, and Faith is saving kids from Death in her pediatric unit one soul at a time. Life is good.

Until Faith accidentally runs over the Angel of Death and is forced to take his place. Now she’s taking lives instead of saving them. Which is kind of a problem when you’re a nurse. As if that weren’t bad enough, she is suddenly thrust into the worst scenario of them all--Matt’s ex Brenda is back, and she’s brought the Apocalypse with her.

Faith’s not about to give up the world...or her man. But when the chips are down, what’s a demoness supposed to do? Besides take matters into her own hands, of course.

Patricia Eimer is a small-town girl who was blessed with a large tree in the backyard made for reading in on summer days. Mixed with too much imagination, it made her a bratty child but fated her to become a storyteller. She currently lives in Pittsburgh with her two wonderful kids and a husband that learned the gourmet art of frozen pizzas to give her more time to write. When she’s not writing she can be found fencing and arguing about with her dogs about who’s in charge.

Un saludo y un abrazo.
Greetings and hugs!