20 noviembre 2018

Interviewing The Rain Within!

Today I come with another interview, this time with Andy Dean, who speak about Atomic Eyes, the newest disc of his project The Rain Within. For those who don't know him, TRW is a project of darkwave and elecronic music with a very, very retro vibe. Fans of the 80s, you're gonna love this album. Just like with Angelspit, I will publish the review this week. ^^

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Greetings and hugs!

The Rain Within: “Atomic Eyes finds me at my best and worst, is my voice in its purest form”

Eros has messed up more than once with all of us, leaving us a wasteland, a toxic place to live as we heal and try to return to that past life on which we used to be but seems far away. However, creativity increases with this depression, a chance taken and used for the greatness of The Rain Within.
What I’m sure was a good album was totally changed by this feeling and gave us what we now know as “Atomic Eyes.” I had the chance to talk with the man behind the project, Andy Dean, and this is what he told me about the cathartic experience.

1. Why Atomic Eyes? What makes this song the one that titles the album?
Atomic Eyes was the first song I wrote for this album. After I’d finished it I went back over the lyrics hunting for a song title. Nothing in the chorus was resonating with me, but I kept coming back to that line. The second I wrote it in ink at the top of the page I knew it would be the title of the album.

2. How would you describe this album in your own words?
It’s a mix of synthpop and synthwave with a ton of neon 80s influence. It’s the sum of everything I’ve learned as a musician and everything I’ve experienced as a person. I didn’t hold back anything on this one, so Atomic Eyes is my voice in its purest form.

3. You are always inspired by retro music and the 80s, how do you keep getting new ideas from this world?
That part is actually pretty easy. Even if I didn’t want any new influences it would be impossible to shut them out. I started working on Atomic Eyes during a relationship that ended badly (don’t they all?) and finished it using the pain brought on by the split as fuel. So Atomic Eyes finds me at my best and worst.

4. About this album in particular, was there anyone or anything that made you start working on Atomic Eyes?
Not really. I am a workaholic in the truest sense of the word, so I never stop working on new songs. Whether it’s a song for The Rain Within, Bella Morte, or my Patreon there is always something that has me excited. But once I got going the things happening in my life certainly influenced the album’s direction. I had intended to release Atomic Eyes in September of 2017, but after my relationship ended I was in no shape to deal with it, so I postponed until Valentine’s Day. And I’m glad I did, because the album really took shape during those months... songs were replaced with darker, deeper ones, and the entire tone of Atomic Eyes shifted toward what you are hearing now.
5. There seems to be a lot of melancholy in this album, was it intentional?
I don’t think intentional is the right word. It’s just a product of where I was at while composing these songs.

6. What makes this album different from others by The Rain Within?
I think every band has that album where they’ve truly come to understand the project’s heart and soul and things click. Atomic Eyes is that album for me. I understand my strengths and leaned on them to get across the emotions I was trying to convey. It’s a truly honest album that finds me wearing my feelings on my sleeve. It’s raw, and people seem to be picking up on that.

7. I can imagine a different scene of a movie with each of the songs, would you pair each song with a movie / TV show or is Atomic Eyes a single story?
I think it could go either way, but I don’t think there would be any trouble fitting them into a single film. As I said, the songs trace a story arc that actually took place in my life, so placed in the correct order it would work. It certainly steps out of bounds here and there, but I don't feel that would be an issue.

8. What plans do you have now? Maybe a project you’re working on right now?
Right now tour dates are being booked like mad. I’m so excited to get back on the road in April with my friends in Hexheart! And I’ve got a ton of fun conventions on the way including Cyberfest Chicago, Human Music, NEON, The Gothic Cruise, and several others. 2018 is going to be a busy year! Not to mention the fact that I’m already a couple songs in to the next Rain album. And on top of it all I produce 2 exclusive track for my Patreon supporters every month.

9. Is there any message you would like to give to those who are inspired by The Rain Within and want to make music as well?
Be honest with your music and don’t try to sound like someone else... influence can be inspiring and helpful, but imitation just makes you a clone. Leave your competitive nature at the door... it is venomous and leads to bullshit like envy and bitterness. We’re all striving for similar things and should help one another along the way. And don’t sweat your gear. Whatever you have is good enough at the moment to get your ideas out to the world. It’s never the gear and always the songs that have a real impact. Most of all have fun doing it and surround yourself with good people with positive attitudes!

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Bandcamp 2

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