25 enero 2016

The Candle Castle is here!

Today I have BIG NEWS. I've already upoaded to Amazon my first book in English *HURRAY*
This book of poems is Candle Castle, and it represents a huge part of myself: darkness, silence, magic, pain, self-destruction, desire, pleasure,... I really put a part of myself in it, trying to be the most honest I could about some things that bothered me in the moment of its' writing.
Some of you, the ones that I hold closer to me, that I was hearth-breaked, in I'm still in part. It doesn't mean you'll find a collection of just dark, heart breaking poems, you'll see more than that, trust me, 'cause if there's a form of writing that let me be the most honest person I can be, is poetry.
My stories are my ideas, my thoughts, but my poetry is a very inner part of myself, part of my secret world, and with Candle Castle I opened the door as never before.
I feel really happy with the final result, like it's the best thing I've written so far, and I thing that it is, by now.
This is my balance between love and hate, light and darkness, life and death. It's the balance between the two sides all humans have inside: the angel and the demon, the untouchable and the wounded. For me, a Candle Castle represents something, but before saying it here (or somewhere else... who knows *wink*), I want to hear it from you. Before, during, or after reading this, what do you think a Candle Castle is? I really want to know!
I have nothing else to say but thank you, thanks to all those people that kept me breathing day by day, that helped me once, twice, twenty times, and that inner me that made me realiza I was more that what I thought and that pain's part of life.
To go to its' Amazon page, click on the omg-desh cover!
Greetings and hugs!

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