15 junio 2020

Música / Music: Strvngers - Frailty (SLOW DEATH version)

English below

Buenos días, Nocturnos. ¿Cómo estuvo su fin de semana? El mío sin internet y sin casi electricidad, para variar. Jeje. Pero ayer supe que una de mis bandas favoritas, Strvngers, sacó un nuevo tema, una versión lenta y oscura de Frailty, la segunda canción de su más reciente álbum, Death Is the Only Way Out. Pueden escuchar ambas versiones al final de esta entrada. Según la banda:
Esta es una versión temprana de Frailty que escribimos en los primeros días de Death Is the Only Way Out. Nos gustó pero queríamos ir en una dirección distinta con lo que escuchan en el álbum. Esperamos que la disfruten.

Sí, es muy, muy diferente... A ver, ¿cómo les explico? Siento que esta versión es más honesta, más profunda, y muestra un lado mucho más oscuro de Strvngers. Me encanta la original, pero esta versión lenta te devuelve a cada una de tus decepciones amorosas; cada palabra duele en el alma. Por irónico que parezca, estoy feliz de que la sacaran a la luz.

Es como las dos caras de la moneda. Por un lado están la ansiedad y la necesidad desesperante de respuestas, mientras que por el otro vemos la ruina, cada una de las grietas que te parten por dentro segundo a segundo. ¿Qué opinan ustedes? Yo estoy enamorado, en serio.

Good morning, Nighters. How was your weekend? Mine without internet and almost without electricity, for a change. Hehe But yesterday I saw that one of my favorite bands, Strvngers, released a new track, a slower, darker version of Frailty, the second song from their most recent album, Death Is the Only Way Out. You can listen to both versions at the end of this post. According to the band:
This is an early version of Frailty that we wrote in the early days of Death Is the Only Way Out. We like it but wanted to go in a different direction with what you hear on the album. We hope you enjoy it.

Yes, it is very, very different... Let's see, how can I explain? I feel like this version is more honest, deeper, and shows a much darker side of Strvngers. I love the original, but this slow version returns you to each of your love disappointments; every word hurts in the soul. As ironic as it sounds, I'm happy they brought it to light.

It's like the two sides of the coin. On the one hand there are anxiety and the desperate need for answers, while on the other we see ruin, each one of the cracks that split you inside second by second. What do you think? I'm in love, seriously.

Strvngers - Frailty (SLOW DEATH version)
My frail world collapsed
So I built these walls around me
How they tower all around me
And I really thought that we would last
I didn't think you could love without me
I didn't think you could live without me
Do you love him like you loved me?
No one will ever love you like I love you, *****
Do you love him like you loved me?
No one will ever love me like you loved me

***** don't lie tell me to my face
Don't be shy don't look away
Tell me that you still feel the same
Tell me that there's something to save
***** I swear it'll be ok
***** don't lie tell me to my face
Tell me someone's taken my place
Tell me face to face

I can't sleep at night
I'm not sure what it is
Could it be that I'm depressed?
Could it be the lack of sex?
Could it be the way we met?
Could it be the way you left?
Could it be all the goddamn things I never said?
This house is not a home
I'm living here I'm all alone
With my misery keeping me company
With my misery killing me comfortably

**** don't lie tell me to my face
Don't be shy don't look away
Tell me that you still feel the same
Tell me that there's something to save
***** I swear it'll be ok
***** don't lie tell me to my face
Tell me someone's taken my place
Tell me face to face

I know this hurts much more than you can handle
But I promise you it's worth it
So set aflame and light this human candle
Even though I don't deserve this

Released: June 14, 2020
Lyrics/Vocals: Maria Joaquin
Music/Production: Kyle Craig

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