Hola gente.
Hi people.
He estado ocupado nuevamente por tema de la universidad (tranquilos, pronto se acaba todo esto) y asuntos personales, pero decidí rescatar este tipo de entradas por una razón (más que nada porque es viernes y saben que la música es mi perdición y mi adicción).
I have been busy for college theme (quiet, this will end soon) and personal matters again, but decided to rescue these types of entries for a reason (mostly because it's Friday and you know that music is my downfall and my addiction ).
Lately things have been tricky for this side of the pond. I won't write the famous martyr, suffered entry I used to, and only for one reason: I realized that in life you can choose between crucify yourself or putting on headphones. Guess what I chose (That's a phrase from one of my future books, by the way :P ).
It's Friday, my studies are almost over, I'm leaving behind many things that hurt me, this time for real, and I prefer to go riding the party to be crying. Those who don't like can go to hell.
Espero les gusten ambas canciones. La primera es una que ya escuchaba de antes y que me daba fuerzas solo cambiándole una palabra, la segunda es una que encontré en estos días, perfecta para fiestas como la que necesito.
I hope you like both songs. The first is one that I already heard before and that gave me strength just by changing one word, the second I found these days, perfect for parties like the one I need.
¡Un saludo y un abrazo!
Greetings and hugs!
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